Sinyal İşlemciler
Aksesuar ve Bileşenleri 


Eski ses donanımınızı DANTE® dünyasına bağlayın. Line I/O to DANTE® Interface, ağ sonu cihazıdır. İki ses kanalının bir DANTE® ağına entegre edilmesini sağlayan bir çıkış kutusudur. Aynı anda, NA-2I2O-DLINE bir DANTE® akışını analog ses sinyallerine dönüştürür. Bu nedenle, bu küçük kutuyu analog ses sinyallerini DANTE® ağına beslemek ve aynı zamanda başka bir DANTE® kaynağından bir miks almak için kullanmak mümkündür.

DANTE® Arayüzüne Hat G/Ç zorlu sahne koşulları için tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle hem ses hem de ağ bağlantıları için kilitlenebilir şasi konnektörlerine sahiptir. Sabit kurulumlar için kauçuk koruma çıkarılabilir. İsteğe bağlı
montaj braketleri veya bir raf paneli ile kutu masaların altına, zemin kutularına veya ekipman raflarına monte edilebilir.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Hoparlör Yönetim Sistemleri 

dB technologies
AC-26 N
Digital Audio Controller
Yeni ses dijital işlemci AC26N, hem aktif hem de pasif olan herhangi bir profesyonel ses sistemini kontrol etmenizi sağlar.
Analog olarak dengelenmiş iki giriş ve altı çıkış, iki giriş / çıkış dijital AES / EBU ve bir RDNet kontrolü ile donatılmış olan bu işlemci, basit ve eksiksiz bir şekilde mükemmel bir kontrol sağlar.
Her çıkış, kendi türünde benzersiz, güçlü 28/56 Bit DSP tarafından çalıştırılan bir parametrik ekolayzer, gecikme, faz ve seviye kontrolüne sahiptir.
Bu işlemci kontrolü, ön kontrol paneli veya RDNet bağlantılı bir bilgisayar aracılığıyla yönlendirilebilir.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Hoparlör Yönetim Sistemleri 

dB technologies

DSX 2040 taşınabilir racklarda ve sabit kurulum için çok uygun bir dijital kontrolördür.. İki giriş ve dört çıkışa sahip, subwoofer'lar ve orta / yüksek aralıklı ünitelerden oluşan yaygın olarak kullanılan iki yönlü aktif stereo sistemleri ile kombinasyonlarda olağanüstü performans sunar.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Hoparlör Yönetim Sistemleri 

dB technologies

RDNET CONTROL 2, dB Technologies RDNET uyumlu aygıtları (DVA T12, T8, DVA S30N, vb.) USB bağlantısı aracılığıyla bir Kişisel Bilgisayara (PC) bağlamak için bir donanım arabirimidir.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Hoparlör Yönetim Sistemleri 

JBL Professional

The JBL Intonato 24 Monitor Management Tuning System provides easy setup, automated calibration and comprehensive control of professional monitoring systems. Housed in a 2U rack-mount enclosure, Intonato 24 precisely calibrates and controls up to 24 speakers configured as stereo, surround or immersive audio systems. You can create and instantly recall customized routing of up to 24 analog, digital and networked audio sources. Included software and an optional Desktop Controller put the system’s powerful monitoring features at your fingertips. Intonato 24 delivers the benefits of a precisely calibrated system, and takes control room monitoring to the next level. Intonato, from the Latin verb Intonare meaning “tuned,” “matched,” “in tune,” describes a primary attribute of all speakers in the ideal control room monitoring environment.

While the approach to control room monitoring has remained consistent over the years, the audio signal path and production workflow have evolved tremendously. Now more than ever, the industry is breaking out of its pre-dated hardware—surround rooms are gearing up for immersive audio and stereo rooms are stepping up to surround. Smaller rooms are taking on final mixes. And today’s listening environments have changed as well, with work carried out in a broad range of spaces not purpose-built for production. Since hardware and workspace limitations are the norm, the industry needs an innovative approach that can improve the state of monitoring in music, post and broadcast production rooms.

JBL set out to develop a complete next-generation system that takes control room monitoring to the next level, empowering content creators to produce consistently superior output regardless of the spaces where they find themselves, or the formats they are asked to deliver. Answering the call for greater dynamic range, neutral-in-room response and detailed imaging, JBL has introduced the new 7 Series Master Reference Monitors, in both powered and installed models. And the JBL Intonato 24 was developed as the heart of this next-generation monitoring system, designed for seamless integration with JBL 7 series or the myriad of other professional monitors available today.

A Complete System

Intonato 24 pairs with JBL 7 Series studio monitors to create the first complete monitoring system designed for immersive audio production in control rooms of any size. While Intonato was designed as the hub of the new JBL 7 Series installed reference monitor system, the unit can be used with any passive or powered speakers. In addition, the HARMAN BLU link network protocol allows Intonato 24 to be digitally networked with Crown power amplifiers and a wide assortment of system components.

Automated Speaker Calibration for Monitoring Accuracy

Room acoustics can play a dramatic part in what you hear at the mix position. Regardless of the make and model of the speakers, geometry and construction of the room can create acoustic anomalies that lead even the most talented mixers astray. Let’s face it, in troublesome low-frequency areas, the room is in control.

Intonato 24 includes an innovative Automated Speaker Calibration process that “tunes” each speaker to compensate for speaker placement and room acoustics, delivering neutral response to the mix position–even in less-than-ideal work spaces. With an included calibration microphone, Intonato 24 measures and automatically adjusts each speaker in the system, tackling room-related low-frequency issues and precisely matching the level and “time-of-flight” from each speaker to the mix position. The result is a finely-tuned system that takes the guesswork out of mixing. This sophisticated tuning capability alone makes Intonato 24 a compelling upgrade to any mix facility.

Immersive Ready: The Most I/O in Its Class

Intonato 24 comes standard with the most I/O in its class and is compatible with nearly every monitoring format, including stereo, 5.1, 7.1 and new immersive formats. With the power to manage monitoring systems of up to 24 speakers, Intonato 24 makes immersive monitoring possible in existing control rooms. Intonato 24 features internal routing and a mixer to provide unprecedented monitoring flexibility. Any combination of up to 24 analog and digital sources can be patched, routed and selectively monitored via any of the connected speaker or headphone systems. You can also create and store customized down-mix configurations.

Sophisticated Subwoofer Integration

With Intonato 24, multiple subwoofers can be connected, tuned, balanced and integrated into your monitoring systems. Up to 4 subwoofers can be assigned as “Bass Management” subs with selectable crossover settings, and the same or different subwoofers can be used to reproduce the LFE (low frequency effects) channel of a soundtrack.

Configuration by Project, Client Workflow

Complete configurations, including speaker setup parameters, EQ, subwoofer settings, input source patching, and down-mix preferences can be stored as “profiles” and “scenes” and instantly recalled (even mid-session) to meet the requirements of specific projects and clients.

Intuitive GUI Control

An intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) allows you to control Intonato 24 from Mac, Windows, iOS and Android tablets. The optional Intonato Desktop Controller puts monitor system control at your fingertips, providing elegant control of system volume, recall of user-configured scenes, activation of speaker mutes and solos, and other frequently used features.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Efekt Prosesör 

The result of a unique collaboration between live sound mixing experts Soundcraft and renowned plug-in manufacturer, Universal Audio, the Soundcraft Realtime Rack brings industry-standard UAD studio plug-ins to the Soundcraft platform. The Realtime Rack hardware and software delivers tight integration of Soundcraft Vi consoles and UAD Powered Plug-Ins, with (48 kHz) sub-2 millisecond latency and full snapshot store and recall with Soundcraft’s CUE/Snapshot system. Realtime Rack’s robust SHARC-based processors run audio over standard Optical MADI connections and dual-redundant internal power supplies ensure that audio signals keep running, even in the event of a power supply failure. Soundcraft Realtime Rack brings the stability of DSP and the sound quality that Soundcraft and Universal Audio are known for in a scalable, low-latency processing environment. 
UAD Powered Plug-Ins. What Live Sound has been waiting for
Combining the intuitive Vistonics operator interface with pristine sound quality and powerful mixing features, the Soundcraft Vi Series is already established as the first-choice live sound mixing console for touring and installed applications worldwide. 
Now the new Soundcraft Realtime Rack provides access to Universal Audio's acclaimed analogue audio processing emulations and award-winning UAD plug-ins. Realtime Rack software gives Vi console operators all the control they need to insert UAD plug-ins on individual channels, auxiliary channels, and master busses - just as easily as real hardware. A comprehensive snapshot system allows total recall of all plug-ins and their settings, while tight network integration with the Vi Series ensures that all settings of the application are stored inside the console. 
Two versions are available: The Realtime Rack Ultimate Live with 74 plug-ins available, and the Realtime Rack Core Live with 14 plug-ins. Additional UAD plug-ins can be purchased any time from UA's Online store. The 8.6.3 software update for Realtime Rack makes available a further 46 plug-ins which can be added to either the Ultimate or Core Live units.
The UAD Powered Plug-Ins platform offers the world's most authentic analogue hardware emulations and award-winning audio plug-ins. Powered by Universal Audio's DSP Accelerator hardware, UAD Powered Plug-Ins deliver rich, analogue sound quality that would be difficult or impossible to achieve with native recording systems. 
From rare compressors and equalizers, to vintage reverb processors and tape machines, UAD Powered Plug-Ins inject three-dimensional 'out-of-the-box' analogue sound to your mixes. 
The Realtime Rack Ultimate Live (74 plug-ins available):
including - 
• 1176 Classic Limiter Collection
• 1176LN Legacy Limiter
• 1176SE Legacy Limiter
• API 500 Series EQ Collection
• API Vision Channel Strip
• dbx 160 Compressor
• CS-1 Channel Strip
• Cambridge Equalizer
• Cooper Time Cube Delay/Modulation
• DreamVerb Reverb
• Empirical Labs Fatso JR/SR
• EMT 140 Plate Reverb
• EMT 250 Digital Reverb
• EP-34 Tape Echo
• Fairchild Tube Limiter Collection
• Harrison 32C Equalizer
• Helios 69 Equalizer
• Lexicon 224 Reverb
• Little Labs IBP
• Little Labs VOG
• Manley Massive Passive
• Moog Filter
• MXR Flanger Doubler
• Neve 1073
• Neve 1081
• Neve 31102
• Neve 33609
• Neve 88RS
• Oceanway Studios
• Precision Buss Compressor
• Precision De-Esser
• Precision Enhancer Hz
• Precision Enhancer kHz
• Precision Equalizer
• Precision K-Stereo
• Precision Limiter
• Precision Maximizer
• Pultec Passive EQ Collection
• Pultec EQP-1A Legacy Equalizer
• Pultec Pro Legacy Equalizer
• RealVerb Pro Reverb
• Roland CE-1
• Roland Dimension D
• Roland RE-201
• SPL Transient Designer
• SSL E Channel Strip
• SSL G Bus Compressor
• Studer A800 Tape Machine
• Teletronix LA-2A Limiter Collection
• Teletronix LA-2A Legacy Limiter
• Teletronix LA-3A Limiter
• Trident A-Range
Realtime Rack Core Live (14 plug-ins included):
including - 
• 1176LN Legacy Limiter
• 1176SE Legacy Limiter
• dbx 160 Compressor
• CS-1 Channel Strip
• Lexicon 224 Reverb
• Pultec EQP-1A Legacy Equalizer
• Pultec Pro Legacy Equalizer
• RealVerb Pro Reverb
• Studer A800 Tape Machine
• Teletronix LA-2A Legacy Limiter 
Any plug-ins from the Ultimate Live and Optional list can be added to the Core unit by purchasing from the Universal Audio website.
Realtime Rack Optional Plug-ins for Ultimate Live and Core Live (46 plug-ins available)
(Available with RTR software version 8.6.3 only)
• UA 610-A Tube Preamp & EQ
• UA 610-B Tube Preamp & EQ
• Neve 1073 Preamp & EQ
• Thermionic Culture Vulture
• Manley Stereo Variable Mu Limiter Compressor
• Ibanez Tube Screamer TS808
• Bermuda Triangle
• Raw Distortion
• Neve 88RS Channel Strip Collection
• Precision Channel Strip (EX-1)
• Precision Delay Modulation (DM-1)
• Precision Delay Modulation Long (DM-1L)
• Precision Reflection Engine (RS-1)
• AKG BX 20 Spring Reverb
• Oxide Tape Recorder
• Fender® '55 Tweed Deluxe
• Dangerous BAX EQ Mix (Brainworx)
• Dangerous BAX EQ Master (Brainworx)
• Brainworx bx_refinement
• Brainworx bx_saturator
• Chandler Limited GAV19T Amplifier (Brainworx)
• Valley People Dyna-mite (Softube)
• Tonelux Tilt (Brainworx)
• Tonelux Tilt Live (Brainworx)
• elysia• mpressor (Brainworx)
• elysia• alpha compressor (Brainworx)
• AMS RMX16 Digital Reverb (AMS-Neve)
• Summit Audio TLA-100A Compressor (Softube)
• Vertigo Sound VSC-2 Compressor (Brainworx)
• Vertigo Sound VSM-3 Mix Satellite (Brainworx)
• MDWEQ5 Parametric Equalizer (MDW)
• Friedman BE-100
• Friedman DS-40
• Sound Machine Wood Works
• Marshall Plexi Super Lead 1959 (Softube)
• Tube-Tech CL 1B Compressor (Softube)
• Ampeg SVT-VR Bass Amplifier (Brainworx)
• Ampeg SVT-3 PRO Bass Amplifier (Brainworx)
• Tube-Tech EQ Collection (Softube)
• Eventide H910 Harmonizer
• Marshall Silver Jubilee 2555 (Softube)
• Marshall Bluesbreaker 1962 (Softube)
• Marshall JMP 2203 (Softube)
• Brainworx bx_digital V3
• Brainworx bx_digital V3 Mix
• Chandler Limited® Curve Bender Mastering EQ (Softube)
Plug-ins from this list can be added to both the Ultimate Live and Core Live units by purchasing from the Universal Audio website. A 14-day demo/evaluation mode is available for all of the above.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Amfi Aksesuarları 


The Crown XFMR-4 and XFMR-8 are rack-mountable transformers to provide impedance matching between amplifier outputs and “constant voltage” loudspeakers. This unit allows amplifiers without direct 70Vrms or 100Vrms output capability to drive distributed speaker systems designed to operate at those voltages.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Amfi Aksesuarları 


The Crown XFMR-4 and XFMR-8 are rack-mountable transformers to provide impedance matching between amplifier outputs and “constant voltage” loudspeakers. This unit allows amplifiers without direct 70Vrms or 100Vrms output capability to drive distributed speaker systems designed to operate at those voltages.

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-120 offers configurable I/O and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-120 is configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots facilitate many different device I/O configurations. Each slot can accommodate any of six available I/O cards, including the Analog Input Card, Analog Output Card, Digital Input Card, Digital Output Card, AEC Input Card, and Telephone Hybrid Card. Each card supports four channels.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-120 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-120 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-160 offers configurable I/O, configurable signal processing and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-160 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of processing and logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots facilitate many different device I/O configurations. Each slot can accommodate any of six available I/O cards, including the Analog Input Card, Analog Output Card, Digital Input Card, Digital Output Card, AEC Input Card, and Telephone Hybrid Card. Each card supports four channels.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-160 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-160 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-320 offers configurable I/O, CobraNet audio, and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-320 is configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features CobraNet audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance. Control is through a separate Ethernet port which allows CobraNet and control networks to be easily separated or mixed depending upon requirements.

The BLU-320 also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots which accommodate analog inputs, analog outputs, digital inputs and digital outputs in banks of four facilitate many different device I/O configurations.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-320 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-320 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-325 offers configurable I/O, Ethernet AVB audio, and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-325 is configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features Ethernet AVB audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance, with control through a separate Ethernet port.

The BLU-325 also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots which accommodate analog inputs, analog outputs, digital inputs and digital outputs in banks of four facilitate many different device I/O configurations.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-325 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The

Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-325 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


Formerly known as BLU-326

The Soundweb London BLU-326DA offers configurable I/O, Dante / AES67 audio, and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-326DA is configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features Dante / AES67 audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance, with control through a separate Ethernet port. As well, the processor includes support for Dante 4.0 firmware for integration with Dante Domain Manager.

The BLU-326DA also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots which accommodate analog inputs, analog outputs, digital inputs and digital outputs in banks of four facilitate many different device I/O configurations.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-326DA to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices.

The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-326DA and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-800 offers configurable I/O, configurable signal processing, CobraNet audio and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-800 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of processing and logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features CobraNet audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance. Control is through a separate Ethernet port which allows CobraNet and control networks to be easily separated or mixed depending upon requirements.

The BLU-800 also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots facilitate many different device I/O configurations. Each slot can accommodate any of six available I/O cards, including the Analog Input Card, Analog Output Card, Digital Input Card, Digital Output Card, AEC Input Card, and Telephone Hybrid Card. Each card supports four channels.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and Logic Outputs allow the BLU-800 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-800 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page

Sinyal İşlemciler
Dijital Ses Matrix Sistemleri 


The Soundweb London BLU-805 offers configurable I/O, configurable signal processing, Ethernet AVB audio and a high bandwidth, fault tolerant digital audio bus.

The BLU-805 has open architecture which is fully configurable through HiQnet™ London Architect. A rich palette of processing and logic objects and a “drag and drop” method of configuration provide a simple and familiar design environment.

This processor features Ethernet AVB audio with primary and secondary ports for fault tolerance, with control through a separate Ethernet port.

The BLU-805 also features a low latency, fault tolerant digital audio bus of 256 channels which uses standard Category 5e cabling giving a distance of 100m between compatible devices. Fiber optic media converters can be used to increase the distance between devices to over 40km.

Four card slots facilitate many different device I/O configurations. Each slot can accommodate any of six available I/O cards, including the Analog Input Card, Analog Output Card, Digital Input Card, Digital Output Card, AEC Input Card, and Telephone Hybrid Card. Each card supports four channels.

Analog Input Cards provide software configurable gain in 6dB steps up to +48dB per channel and software selectable Phantom Power per channel. Digital Input Cards and Digital Output Cards process AES/EBU and/or S/PDIF audio and offer a variety of clocking and syncing options. AEC Input Cards and Telephone Hybrid Cards facilitate specialized processing and interfacing primarily for teleconferencing applications. (Further information about the I/O cards can be found on dedicated datasheets)

Phantom Power, Sync, Signal Present and Clip information per channel is easily accessible, without the requirement for a PC, from clear front panel LED indication. Device-specific information such as Device Name, Device Type, Firmware Version Number, Time, IP Address and Subnet Mask is available from the front panel display. A bi-directional locate function allows devices to be identified both from and within HiQnet London Architect.

12 Control Inputs and 6 Logic Outputs allow the BLU-805 to be integrated with GPIO compatible devices. The Soundweb London Interface Kit, comprehensive documentation which details how Soundweb London systems can be integrated with third party control systems, is included within the installation of HiQnet London Architect.

The BLU-805 and the other members of the Soundweb London family provide the building blocks of the perfectly tailored system solution.

Fiber Optic Media Converter Recommendation:

BSS Audio MC-1

JBL VerTec V4 DSP Preset Data is available from the V4 Preset Data Download Page on

V4 Preset Data Download Page